For there exists no proof that life is indeed serious

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I was away from my office today for doctor appointments (sigh) but it was nice to have another reminder of what a great team I have assembled..once again, they faced a significant shit ball (sent our way by a co-worker from another area...I almost feel bad for her when I think of all that bad karma she has to be accumulating catching up to her!) with grace and goodwill.

It feels odd to me to say "I assembled" but I am trying to be kinder to myself by acknowledging and taking credit for the good things I have of those being the leader who has hired a good number of the team who now works in the area I am responsible for!! I have a tendency to take the crap from everyone and not the kudos -- and, as my wise Bestie reminds me, I have to do better with patting myself on the back from time to time. That being said -- GO ME for being a good leader in my professional endeavors!!

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